English Learning Tasks week commencing 8th June
Class: Eagles Year: 2019 - 2020
Happy Monday Year 2!
Here are this weeks English learning tasks. We hope you are continuing to enjoy your learning from home. Thank you to those who are keeping us updated and sending in pictures of yourself and your learning. It looks fabulous!
In English we are starting our new topic of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. If you have the book at home give it a read, or you could watch the film. The original is an oldie but goodie now!
Have a good week, and keep safe.
Mrs Machin :)
Files to Download
English Setting description lesson 1 features flipchart PDF English Setting description lesson 1 features Task English Setting description lesson 2 word bank flipchart PDF English Setting description lesson 2 word bank Task sheet English Setting description lesson 2 word bank template to use English Setting description lesson 2 word bank deepening task English Setting description lesson 3 expanded noun phrases flipchart PDF English Setting description lesson 3 expanded noun phrases task sheet English Setting description lesson 3 expanded noun phrases word cards English Setting description lesson 3 expanded noun phrases deepening task English Setting description lesson 4 conjunctions flipchart PDF English Setting description lesson 4 conjunctions task sheet English Setting description lesson 4 conjunctions help cards English Setting description lesson 4 conjunctions deepening task English Setting description lesson 5 apostrophes for possession flipchart PDF English Setting description lesson 5 apostrophes for possession task sheet