Maths Home Learning w/b 22.2.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

I hope that you are all doing well, and that you all had a lovely half term break.  Here are the Maths home learning activities for this week. 

Please complete all tasks in your new red maths books using pencil.  Some of the lessons are activities to complete on the sheet, and some will ask you to trim the sheet and complete in your book.  For some lessons the learning is practical and you do not need to record in your book, but please send photos of what you have done to your teacher as we would love to see :D.

There are 3 Maths lessons this week. For each lesson there is one video (which is hyperlinked) and pdfs with any related activity sheets that you need.  Each PDF will be clear labelled with which lesson it goes with.  Each lesson has an independent, deepening task and challenge chest (the latter two activities are an extra challenge which your child may wish to have a go at but is not necessary).  For some lessons there are also scaffolded task sheets to provide additional support for your child with the learning if they need it. 

You will need the following resources for these activities (paper cut out copies have also been linked and attached below):

number line


For the second lesson there has also been a task set for you to do on purple mash.  This should appear in your 'to dos' section of purple mash.

For the next two weeks we will be exploring subtracting, looking at the relationship between a part part model and subtracting, and then exploring different methods to subtract.  Please use and follow the methods outlined in the lessons as we use this strategy to help children build up a picture of the values that they are adding together before they move onto more abstract methods as they get older.  

Lesson 1 - subtracting with PPW

Lesson 2 - subtracting using a number line 

Lesson 3 - subtracting using dienes practically


Keep working hard and stay safe,

Y1 team 

Files to Download