Maths Home Learning wk beginning 15.6.20

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

Hi Year 1,

We hope that you are all doing well.  We have some really exciting maths home learning for you this week.  This week we will be looking at adding tens to a two digit number.

For example 45 + 10 = 

Below is attached a teaching guide for the week, and 4 independent task sheets.  We understand that not all children are confident yet with using the drawing method so we have attached a 100 grid if your child would prefer to use this method or finds using this easier.  To add tens on a 100 grid you simply find the number your starting on, and jump down the column.

Lesson 1 - representing numbers within 100 using tens and ones

Lesson 2 - adding 10s to a number within 100

Lesson 3 - adding multiples of 10 to a number within 100

Lesson 4 - solving word problems involving addition.

For each lesson there is an independent task and a deepening task for you to apply your knowledge and challenge your thinking. 

The Year 1 team

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