Home Learning activities for the week beginning 25.01.21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021








Use links to website

Monday to Thursday  - daily speed sounds during live register.

You can suplement this be using the Daily Ruth Miskin phonics sessions


Also, complete the phonics sheet as your activity to email back to us this week.

Instructions on this are at the end of the literacy flipchart


See videos


Ordering numbers to 15 

Use the number cards sheet to make cards, or make some using card and a felt pen. Can you order them from smallest to largest?


Practise writing your numbers up to 15 with the correct formation.


Fill in the missing numbers on the missing numbers sheet. You can use the blank sheet if you would like your grown up to generate numbers that you feel confident with. 


see video flipchart

Writng frame


Complete the creative activity for the week - making a sock puppet. You can watch the attached video.

You will need to do this before completeing the literacy task for the week.

Draw your sock puppet on the writing frame and label any special features they have. Think of a sentence you could write about your sock puppet. What does it look like? Think of another sentence to write about your sock puppet. What sepcial powers does it have? Can you check your work's accuracy. When you have finished and checked it, see if you can read it to someone. Can they read it without your help?



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes or read them a story.

Use Bug club online (your child’s log in details are in their reading record)

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes

Use Bug club online

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes


Use the TASC sheet to design your sock puppet character. What features will you add? What sort of person are they? A goodie? A baddie? Are they kind? Are they mean?

Can you think of where your sock puppet is going to live? Can you design a house or lair for them? You could use cardboard boxes, lego, blocks. Take a photo and you can send it to us, or print it out and write a sentence about it or draw a map to find it. 



Watch Mrs Shepherd, Mrs Blackburn and Mrs Lambert give you a reminder of the 5 strong shapes and show you how to perform a sequence.

Have a go at home and send in a video or picture if you want to.

Joe Wicks is doing live PE sessions on his You Tube channel every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Joe Wicks

On your walk today, see if you can use any of the strong shapes you know. Can you jump from a log and make a star shape?

Joe Wicks



Watch the attached video.



Story Time

Listen to Mrs Featherstone read the story The Elephant Tree.


Files to Download