English Tasks w/b 15.6.20

Lesson: English

Class: Eagles Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Year 2! 

Here are the English tasks for this week. We are continuing with the setting description for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's Chocolate Room. The learning will build up using last week's lessons too, to acumilate with writing your own setting description. 

One of the lessons is to design and make your own verison of the Chocolate Room (as posted last week). As always though, these tasks are not compulsory and you can use as much or as little of the support we post to aid you. 

Below are the tasks for each lesson (some will have a deepening task if you wish to try) and a flipchart for more information. 

Enjoy, and don't forget to send us pictures of anything you want to share with us. We love to see the finished outcomes! 

Mrs Machin :)

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