Eagles: Latest Gallery
Computing task w/b 20th April, by Miss Shaw
Maths tasks for W/C 20th of April, by Mrs Harrison
English tasks for w/b 20th April, by Miss Charles
Science and reading tasks w/b 20th April, by Ms Holmes
Food bank collection, by Ms Holmes
Right of the Week, by Ms Holmes
Food bank collection , by Ms Holmes
Joke of the week, by Mrs Featherstone
Healthy minds resources, by Mrs Harrison
Spelling zappers - Spelling Zone and spelling rules, by Miss Hughes
Non Screen activities you can do at home , by Mrs Harrison
Keeping Active at Home , by Miss Sutherland
Hello from Miss Hughes, by Miss Hughes
Roald Dahl activities , by Ms Holmes
WWF live learning programme, by Miss Charles
A really good maths link, by Mrs Harrison
Year 2 maths activities , by Ms Holmes
Another idea to really challenge yourselves, by Mrs Featherstone
A good idea I found on facebook!, by Mrs Featherstone
Thinku know information, by Mrs Harrison
Social story about the Coronavirus, by Mrs Harrison
Web links for parents, by Mrs Harrison
Home Learning for Year 2, by Miss Shaw
A Million Dreams - Makaton, by Miss Hughes
Y2 assessment parent meeting, by Miss Charles