Food bank collection

Class: Mice Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello everyone 

I hope you are all safe and well, and that you are enjoying the sun.

On Wednesday 8th April we will be doing a foodbank collection at the school. We will place a box near the cloth bank in the school car park for anyone to bring in collections - perhaps on your daily walk you can pop by! As I'm sure you're all aware, this is a very difficult time for lots of families in Sheffield and food banks are struggling to get enough food due to supermarket restrictions and some shortages. We know that all children (and adults of course) have the right to good food and we would like to support others in Sheffield as much as we can. 

I will collect the donations and take them to the S2 foodbank, which has been asking for donations. Follow this link to their website if you would like to know what donations they are particularly in need of:

Thank you in advance for your help and generosity. 

Mrs Holmes 

Rights respecting school coordinator