Eagles: Latest Gallery
Maths learning for w.b 15th June, by Miss Hughes
Article of the Week - Non-discrimination, by Ms Holmes
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chocolate Room, by Miss Charles
Northern Ireland Theme Day 11.6.20, by Miss Charles
Reading tasks for week commencing 8th June, by Miss Charles
Topic learning tasks for the week commencing 8th June, by Miss Charles
Maths learning tasks week commencing 8th June, by Miss Charles
English Learning Tasks week commencing 8th June, by Miss Charles
Talking to children about race and being inclusive, by Ms Holmes
Can you guess the baby?, by Mrs Harrison
Welsh Day Planning for 3rd June, by Mrs Featherstone
Summer Term Week 1 learning tasks, by Miss Charles
Everybody Worries Book, by Mrs Harrison
Half Term Home work, by Mrs Harrison
Special Activity, by Miss Shaw
Maths w/b 18.5.20, by Miss Hughes
Topic and reading activities w/b 18th May, by Ms Holmes
English tasks w/b 18.5.20, by Miss Charles
Mrs Featherstone's Bedtime story 15th May 2020, by Mrs Featherstone
Zappers for learning high frequency words, by Mrs Featherstone
Points Network Games at Home Competition, by Miss Sutherland
Sport challenge w/b 11.5.20, by Miss Charles
Mrs Machin's Performance, by Mrs Harrison
Special video song for Eagles class, by Miss Hughes