Year 1 Home Learning w/c 17th January

Class: Foxes Year: 2021 - 2022

Hi Year 1s 

We hope that any children and families isolating are all doing ok. Here are some home learning activities for this week. Please don't hestitate to get in touch with your class teacher if you have any questions or issues. 

Take care 

Mrs Holmes, Mrs Waters, Miss Sutherland and Miss Minors 


Home learning week beginning 17th Jan.

English – all our English is based on The Great Explorer by Chris Judge. You can find videos of the author reading the book on Youtube.

Lesson 1 – question marks.

We are practising spotting question words – what, when, how, why, where.

Underline the question words and then have a think about questions you could ask Tom about his adventure.

Lesson 2 – adding –ed endings to put words into the past tense.

-ed endings change verbs from the present to the past tense eg walk – walked. Sometimes the –ed endings sound like a ‘d’ or ‘t’ when we pronounce the word aloud.

Lesson 3 – adjectives

Adjectives are describing words that might tell us how something looks or feels. Think of some adjectives to describe the pictures and then put one into a sentence.

Handwriting – practise ‘ladder letters’.

Maths –

Lesson 1 – Bonds to 20.

Find the pairs of numbers that add together to make 20. As a challenge, can you write the addition and subtraction equations that go with it?

Lesson 2 – adding numbers to 20.

Fill in the part part whole and then add the numbers together. You can use what you like to help you – a number line, cubes, pieces of pasta or your head!  


History – Titanic.

Research the Titanic and how it sank. Follow this link to watch a CGI video of what happened

Cut and stick the pictures onto the timeline in order to show the sequence of events.

Science – sorting materials by properties.

Hunt for different materials in your house (fabric, plastic, glass, metal etc).

Sort them by their properties (hard, soft, waterproof, flexible, rigid etc). Draw some pictures of the materials you found on the sheet.





















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