Planning wk 21/6/21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

PSHE Discuss how some changes happen naturally and other changes are planned?
Read the big bag of worries.
Children to generate questions for their new teacher. Teacher to scribe.
PE Circuits outside, throwing beanbag in a hoop,  etc
Children to rotate between different activities.

Daily sound of the day. One sound a day and review previous sounds. 
Read write inc assessments 
Read Commotion in the Ocean (available on you tube)
Write a report about a sea creature.

What does it look like? How does it move? 

Maths Daily maths Moments
Mixed operation problems.
Children to choose two number cards. Put the largest number first. Use a spinner or dice to see if it’s an addition or subtraction problem. Solve by drawing jumps on a number line.
Taking it further
Children chop up number puzzles can they arrange to make a working number sentence. Can they write the corresponding addition or subtraction number sentence?
Expressive Arts Children to look at themselves in the mirror
Focus on lips and noses. 
Watch video clip on YouTube . 
Children to use a mirror to practise drawing eyes in their sketch book. Remind children they can have several attempts
Understanding of the World Children to practise moving through school to their new classroom.
What is the same/ different?

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