Planning week beginning 4/1/21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are looking forward to seeing the children back in school this week.

Please see the table below for an outline of the planning for the week and some useful resouces to download.

Due to the recent lockdown we have added additional videos for this weeks' learning. They can be found at the bottom of the page. We'll be adding more next week to help with home learning. 


Each class will now be doing a PE session in the hall each week. Our PE day is Wednesday so please can each child bring a PE kit in from home to leave on their pegs for the half term.

This week the children will be practising getting changed and putting their clothes back in to their PE bags and finding a space of their own in the hall. We will also be exploring different ways to travel: running, hopping, jumping etc

*NEW* Please see our mindfulness video with Mrs Rowlands. You can try these calming exercises at home!


The children will be learning a new sound each day and revisit the sounds they already know. Please see your childs reading diary to see which sounds they are working on.

The children will also have a 1:1 reading session with their teacher.


Class teacher to model shared writing about the holidays. Can the children hold a sentence in their heads. Can they check for full stops, capital letters and finger spaces? Encourage children to use a an alphabet chart to write letters in response to ghearing sounds independently

Children to write their own holiday news  - see powerpoint for guidance.

You can print off the writing frame to record your drawing and sentences.


Oral retelling of the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Can the children use connectives to sequence events: next, later, finally?


Can the children design a character from Jack and the Beanstalk or Cinderella that they would like to make?

Children to draw their design and say what materials they will need.

See design sheet below

*NEW* Please see our introduction video with Mrs Blackburn. Who will you draw? Jack or the giant or will it be Cinderella or her fairy godmother?

The Mice class have already done this work in class but they are welcome to design a second character at home.

Understanding the World

Jacks golden coins have been frozen in ice. How can we free them?

What do we know about ice? Where do we think the ice will melt the fastest? Outside or inside the classroom?

Children to record their predictions and make careful observations of the ice as it melts.

See home learning sheet.


Daily maths moment recapping key vocabulary and prior learning: 

Children to explore different ways to make 8. Can the children record by writing their own number sentences? Can the children work systematically: 8+0 = 8, 7+1=8, 6+2= 8 etc

See recording sheet below

*New* How many ways can you make eight? Watch our video with Mrs Pemberton.


Files to Download