Planning week 7/12/20

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

This week we are in full Christmas mode. The children have been taking part in the "Hearts for Homes" project and have been making a special picture in a heart for a resident in  a local carehome. In the Foundation stage we are sending our hearts to the residents in Ranulf Court.

We have also been busy practising our class song for our recorded christmas performance and are looking forward to having a practise on the stage this week.

We have attatched our planning for the following week..


Making a special picture and message for a resident in a local carehome.

How do the children feel at Christmas time?

How do they feel when they are spending time with their familiy?

How could we make someone else feel happy?



The children will be looking at different types of letters and reading the story of  "The Jolly Christmas Postman"

The children will be writing their own letter inviting their family to watch our Christmas Song performance.

You can download the wrting frame template below.


The children will be using the language more, less, greater and fewer and find different numbers on their numberline.

They will also be applying what they know to solve different problems.

Please see the attatched sheets.

In our continuous provision the children will also be practiing number formation and one to one counting by recording numbers 1 - 10 on candels.


The children will all have a one to one reading session with their teacher. The teachers will be assessing the childrens colour book bands this week. Look out for any changes in the childrens reading diaries.

In phonics the children are starting to learn set 2 digraphs

ee, ay, igh, ow, oo.

We learn to read and wrrite words containing a different digraph each day.

Expressive arts

This week we are designing and making a chritmas decoration.

You could design and make a decorayion at home.

Draw your picture on the design sheet.

What resouces will you need?

Can you implement your design?

Does your finished work look like your original design?

Are you pleased with your work? How would you change it next time?


Files to Download