Planning and resources for the week beginning 12.09.2020

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

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This week we will be using the sound and letters that we have learned in our phonics lessons so far to write a speech bubble for the Stick man. We will be focusing on hearing the sounds in words and on forming letters correctly so that others can read our letters.

In maths we are going to be practising writing our numbers to 5 and looking at the different ways that we can make 5. Some of these will be recorded as calculations. 

We will be looking at pumpkins and talking about what we think is inside. We will then see what is inside and explore drawing what we find.

Attached are the planning and resources that we willl be using in school for any children who are self isolating. We will also be reading Stickman some more and practising our repeating patterns.

Here is a link to the film of stickman.


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