Planning 14th June

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021



Circuits outside, throwing beanbag in a hoop,  etc
Children to rotate between different activites ready for sports day

PSED PHSE    Read My History
Children to think about how they have changed since they were a baby.
Continue to share baby photos. Can the children guess who is who?
Physical    Circuits outside, throwing beanbag in a hoop,  etc
Children to rotate between different activities.

Daily sound of the day. One sound a day and review previous sounds. 
Individual readers – update reading diaries.
Write connected sentences to say how we have changed since they were a baby.
When I was a baby I could ..
Now I can…

see writing frame

Maths Introduce Time
Use individual clocks to tell the time to the hour.
Read the bad tempered ladybird.
Can children choose a number card and set the clock to show different times?
What happens at different times of the day?
Taking it further
Children who can say what the time will be one hour later/ earlier
Expressive Arts Children to look at themselves in the mirror
Focus on eyes/ 
Watch video clip on youtube .
Children to use a mirror to practise drawing eyes in their sketch book. Remind children they can have several attempts
Understanding the World  

Children to make a time line in the classroom/ outdoor area.
Children to sequence different events in order on the time line.
E.g. dinosaurs, queen being born, own birthday etc
Snap shot observations.
Encourage and model key words/vocabulary associated with the passage of time; First, next, after that, in the end.
Are children using the past tense accurately?

Share the PowerPoint introducing Buddhism

What have we learnt?

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