Updated Maths Home Learning wk beginning 22.6.20

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

Hi Year 1,

Here is some maths home learning for you for this week.  This week we will be thinking all about subtraction, where we start with a whole and take away a part and find out what we have left.

Included in the links are the independent and deepening tasks for each lesson and guide on how to subtract using the drawing method. 

We have four lessons for you:

Lesson 1 - subtracting using pictures of dienes

Lessons 2 and 3 - subtracting using the drawing method (drawing tens and ones)

Lesson 4 - crack the code.  Solve the problems to help James escape from his evil Aunts.

If your child finds the drawing method difficult then you can use a 100 grid to help instead, but please do try the drawing method as this is how we learn to subtract in school, and will be the method used in year 2.

We hope you enjoy the learning.  Please tweet us or email your class teacher pictures of what you get up to.

The Year 1 Team 

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