Materials Word Bank 28.11.19

Lesson: Science

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

In year 1 this half term we are learning about materials within our Science lessons.  We have looked at and named different materials identifying different objects and what they are made of.


We will be discussing properties of materials (features they have) and using these to describe different materials.  Attached is a word bank or key properties we will be looking at.

In the coming weeks we will also be sending a small materials book home that you may wish to complete with you child.  This will involve finding different materials that match the properties in the book.  You can then return the booklet to school and good examples may be displayed within the classroom.

This is not compulsory but we hope would be a fun activity for you to do with your child at home, and may spark some exciting scientific discussions.



Year 1 Team 

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