Home Learning 1/3/21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021







  Look out for your child's Numbot login details and have a go at one of the challenges!


See the maths video and sheets

This week we are learning to add by combining two numbers and using a number line to support our adding. On Monday see if you can make a number line big enough to jump along. There are lots of ideas on the video of how to make a number line. 

  On Wednesday you can use the jumping on a big numberline sheet to help you to add. Use your big number line and see if you can start on the first number and jump along the numberline the right number of jumps to add the numbers. Where you land is your total.   

On Friday you can use the counting on using a number line sheet. Roll two dice, put your finger on the first number, then jump on the second number of spaces to find the total. You can draw the jumps on the number line to help you. 

There are ideas for taking it further activities on the video at the end. 


see video 

Writng frame

True false sentences


Use your story map to orally retell the story of the Gingerbread man.

Try adding some actions in.

Download the Gingerbread Man sentences. Are they true or false.

Can you say how you know?

You need to complete the creative TASC activity  for the week before starting the writing activity.

Write a letter to the Gingerbread man expalining how he can cross the river and excape the fox!



Write a letter to the Gingerbread Man

World Book Day

You can dress up as your favouite book character for live register or hold up your favourite book!

Make a poster of your favourite book too!

Who is the main character? Who is the author?

Why do you like this book?

Read your letter to someone in your family.

Make an envelope to put your letter in!



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes or read them a story.

Use Bug club online (your child’s log in details are in their reading record)

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes

World Book day!

Share stories with someone in your family!

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes


Watch the video attatched to find out all about sketching spring flowers. Can you have a go too?

What signs of spring can you see in your garden?

Can you think of a way to save the Gingerbread Man so that he doesn't get eaten?

Watch the video to find out how to design and record your ideas.


Use links to website

Monday to Thursday  - daily speed sounds during live register.

See the recap video for this week's sounds.

You can suplement this be using the Daily Ruth Miskin phonics sessions




Watch the junior girls teach you how to do a teddy bear roll, an arch and a dish hold.   Joe Wick   Joe Wick



Watch Mrs Rowlands Mindfulness video. See if you can join in at home.



 Watch Mrs Pemberton's video to learn to say the names of different colours in French.




Watch Mrs Rowlands Music video. Can you join in with the songs at home?

Files to Download