Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support children who are vulnerable to underachievement and to support the narrowing of the achievement gap. Pupil Premium is funding the government have allocated to pupils in the following categories:

  • Pupils who have applied for and meet the criteria for free school meals or have been eligible for free school meals within the last 6 years.

  • Pupils in local authority care or who have ever been in care.

  • Pupils from a military family.

This money is allocated to school budgets based on the numbers of pupils in school who are in the above categories.

The school decides how the money should be spent. In our school the money is allocated to supporting pupils reaching their potential both academically and socially. This is based on individual child's needs.


The Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team of Dobcroft Infant School accept the responsibility for the use of its Pupil Premium Funding to address the underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), who are in care, who have been in care, or military families and other children nationally. The funding will be used to remove barriers to learning and ensure each student participates fully in all aspects of school life and reaches his/her full potential.


Dobcroft Infant school provides a wide range of initiatives to ensure children who have been awarded Pupil Premium funding, reach their full potential, these currently include but are not exclusive to:

  • £50 towards the cost of school uniform.

  • Funding of educational visits.

  • Funding of one extra curricluar club each half term.

  • Accelerating progress in core areas of the curriculum.

  • Intensive literacy support from Read Write Inc Programme to improve phonics and spelling across the whole school.

  • Same day maths interventions where necessary.

  • Timetabled support in the Butterfly Room for those children in need of intensive support in some areas. 

  • Engagement with extracurricular activities and sport. 

  • Multi-sensory learning.

  • Speech and Language therapy (SALT).

  • Theraplay and social groups.

  • Training opportunities for staff.

  • Transisiton - additional support.


The  Headteacher reports to the Governors on all children however, there is a speicifc focus on children who are PP and PP+ where there is a difference between national data and where the children are she reports on impacts of measures to diminsh the difference.  The link Governor for Pupil Premium is Alice MacGowan. She meets with the Headteacher once a term to discuss progress and impact in more detail. The general points are then shared at full Governors meetings.
The governors ensure that there is an annual statement to parents on how the PP funding has been used. This task is carried out within the requirements published by the Department for Education.

The Pupil Premium strategy below outlines the barriers to learning within our schoolsetting.  If you need any information further to this, or on any other aspect of information provided on the website, please feel free to contact the school office.


To apply for Free School Meals/Milk/Pupil Premium Funding

For information about eligibility for Free School Meals/Milk/Pupil Premium Funding

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