Lockdown Spring 2 - Week 2 (1.3.21) English

Class: Eagles Year: 2020 - 2021

Happy Monday Year 2!

This week in English, we are carrying on using our Twinkle, Twinkle, Squiglet Pig story to help us with our writing and SPaG. The World Book Day English lesson is in the World Book Post separately.

The video of the story is below on the YouTube link if you have not heard the story before.

Monday 1.3.21 - apostrophes

Tuesday 2.3.21 - suffixes (-ed, -ing, -ly)

Wednesday 3.3.21 - suffixes (-er, -est, -ful, -less, ment)

Friday 5.3.21 - creative write

We loved seeing some of the creative writes you did last week, and we can't wait to read them from this week.

The Year 2 Team

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