Year 1 remote learning w/c 31.1.22

Class: Foxes Year: 2021 - 2022

Hi Year 1 

Here is the remote learning for this week. In maths we are subtracting numbers to 20. In English we are writing letters from on board the Titanic. 

In history we are researching what it was like on the Titanic. Look on the internet to find out what it was like in first and third class. You can watch videos, look at photos and read facts. If you have any books at home about the Titantic have a look at those too. Here are some websites you could use:,a%20reading%20and%20writing%20room.&text=Titanic%20had%2039%20private%20suites,in%20wardrobes%20and%20a%20bathroom.

In RE we are learning about Chinese New Year. Here are some videos you might want to watch to help you with your learning:

In Design Technology we are designing boats ready to make them next week. Please think about any equipment you might want to bring in from home such as recycled containers. 

Let your teachers know if you have any questions. 

Take care

Y1 team 

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