World Book Day competition

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Dobcroft,

I hope you are well and are looking forward to coming back into school.

I'm writing to tell you about the World Book Day competition surrounding the theme of 'hope'.  The Book of Hope Competition is a chance for children to write about what hope means to them. The competition officially opens on March 1st, but I'm giving you guys a head start! 

We want to encourage children to think about the things that make them and others around them happy, events and activities they look forward to. There has been a great deal of challenge over the last year but now is a time to look forward with a feeling of hope and expectation.

Read the guide attached to help you and your child decide which activity they would like to do. When they have finished, send your child's entry to by 31st March at the latest.

A template for the competition has also been set for your child as a 2Do on Purple Mash as well if they would like to complete their entry this way instead.  

Submit your entry by 31st March at the latest to ensure your entry has been entered.  Winners will be announced on 2nd April. Good luck everyone and happy writing!

Take care,

Miss Shaw

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