Topic learning w/c 25.01.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

I hope you’ve had a lovely week at home with your families. It’s been lovely to be able to see you on the live registers and hear about what you’ve been up to.

Here is the topic learning for this week:

RE – Humanism. Each half term we look at a different religion or non-religion. This Spring we are going to explore humanism. For this lesson you will need the independent task sheet.

RE Humanism lesson video

History – P4C.  Discussing fairness and sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone else in your family.  No independent task needed for this lesson, just your thoughts and feelings! - link to video on slide 6.

History P4C lesson video

Reading challenge - Can you create your own character description?

PE – Ship shape balances. Look at the sheet to see how you can move your body in different ways to make different shapes. Can you send a picture to your class teacher of you doing this?

PE 2 – Check out Miss Mather’s dance she has created for us and have a go! 

Purple Mash – Tasks have been set on Purple Mash that are in line with the learning for the half term. Have a go at them so your teachers can see what you get up to J

Cooking Challenge – Have a go at the Hummingbird Bakery chocolate brownie! The link to the recipe is on the worksheet attached, and if you decided to have a go then we would love to see pictures of you doing this! Happy baking!

I hope you have a lovely week. Take care, and thank you for all of your hard work (parents and children!).

Year 1 team

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