Topic learning w/c 01.02.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

We hope you’ve had a lovely week at home with your families. It’s been lovely to be able to see you on the live registers and hear about what you’ve been up to.

Here is the topic learning for this week:

History – Titanic fact file. Pause the video on slide three to access the QR codes to find some fantastic facts about the Titanic.

History lesson video

Reading challenge – Write a book review. Choose your favourite book or a book that you have been reading and write about it.

Computing – Dance mat typing. Follow this link to test your typing skills!

Science – Properties of materials investigation. Now we have researched the different materials, it’s time to test them out! Can you use your predicting skills using your knowledge about the different materials? Take a picture of you doing this to send to your class teacher. from slide 3.

Science lesson video

PE – Arctic Yoga. How many different Arctic poses can you do?

PE 2 – Check out Miss Mather’s dance that she has choreographed for us! Can you ask an adult to take a picture of you doing your dance and send it to your class teacher? The video link for this video will come in a later post :)

Cooking Challenge – Cheese straws! Can you have a go at Mrs Shepherd’s cheese straw recipe?

Photography - Well done to everyone who entered the ‘Winter is…’ competition. We were blown away with your amazing photos! Twice a month we will text out a theme and ask you and your child to take photos based on the theme. Please email the photos to school via, if you would like to take part. The photos will then be posted on the school website for everyone to enjoy. Please do not send in photos with a child's face as the photos will be on the school's website. The new theme is ‘Puddles’!

We hope you have a lovely week. Take care, and thank you for all of your hard work (parents and children!).

Year 1 team

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