Topic Home Learning wk beginning 15.6.20

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

For this weeks Topic Learning we have some exciting art for you based all around James and the Giant Peach.  

These tasks will need your skills of drawing, painting and colour mixing. 

Lesson 1 - create your own create from James and the Giant Peach. See how many different animals you can make using your hand print, and which different paint styles you can use to create pictures.

Lesson 2 - creating your own imaginary animal inspired by Nikki De Saint Phalle.  You could create a picture or use playdough or your own salt dough to create a sculpture.  Use your imagination to consider the different features that your animal will have, and see if you can label them using your scientific knowledge as well.

We would love to see what you come up with so please send us pictures or tweet us. 


We hope that you enjoy it,


Year 1 Team 

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