Topic home learning w/c 11.01.21

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1,

Here is the topic home learning for the w/c 11.1.21.

RSHE - Do families always stay the same? Watch the video lesson, and then have a go at the independent task. Any independent task that you see for a lesson is to be completely by the child so we can see their level of understanding for the lesson.

RSHE lesson video

Science - identify and name everyday materials. For this lesson there is an independent task. There is also a deepening task. The deepening tasks aren't compulsory, but they are to extend and challenge the children with their learning. Please encourage your child to be a 'risk-taker' and have a go at these! You will also find a wordbank sheet attached too.

Science lesson video

Art - sketching the Titanic. In school, we are going to be sketching the Titanic using charcoal. If you don't have access to charcoal at home, then please don't worry.  Your child can use a pencil instead and shade their piece of work like they practised in their autumn art learning.

Art lesson video

PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga.  These videos are a great way for children to work on their flexibility, their core strength and to help them get into their 'thinking brain'.  Click here to watch an Arctic Cosmic Kids Yoga special, or simply type into youtube "Cosmic Kids Yoga" to gain access to a variety of videos at different lengths.

PE - skipping. With the skipping rope your child brought home before Christmas, can they practise swinging the rope forwards and backwards at their side? Can they do this in each hand? When they start skipping, can they skip forwards for 30 seconds non stop? Can they skip backwards for 30 seconds non stop? If you can, then send a photo of you doing your PE activities to your class teacher!

Thank you all for your continued support.

Take care and stay safe,

Year 1 team

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