
Lesson: History

Class: Foxes Year: 2019 - 2020

For our topic Ice and Fire we are looking at the historical event of the sinking of the Titanic. 


To introduce this topic the year 1s enjoyed a Titanic experience - 'Mantel of the Expert' run by Mrs Harrison. 

We learned about and re-enacted the sinking of the Titanic.  Some children took on the roles of the musicians and Miss Tinker played the notorious Captain Smith.  

Squirrels boarded first as our 1st class passengers, greeted by the Captain and shown to their luxury accommodation.  Foxes followed them into 2nd class who were shown to their cabins by the ship stewards.  Finally, the Hedgehogs entered at the 3rd class passengers but not before being inspected for lice! 

We learned how the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank.  There were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers.  Some were even left empty!  We placed the first class women and children in the boats first, then a few from our 2nd class passengers. 

Unfortunately, our musicians, most of Foxes and all of Hedgehogs perished with the boat!


We had a great morning, and loved learning about this important Historical event.

Year 1 team