Skipathon November 2020

Lesson: Physical education

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe.  Starting on Monday 12th November KS1 will all be particiapting in the Sheffield School Skipathon.  We will be practising our skipping skills every day in the week then on Friday we will be particpating in a city wide challenge day to challenge our skipping skills.

Every child has been provided with their own skipping rope that they can bring home at the end of the week to keep challenging their skipping skills and use it to help keep them active at home during these times.

You can take part by practising any skipping skills you can at home if you are able to, and send us pictures and videos of you doing so.  If you'd rather tweet you can use the #SheffieldSchoolsSkipathon    to show you are taking part at home.

We will be posting photos of our challenge throughout the week on twitter so keep your eyes peeled.


Stay safe and happy skipping

Miss Sutherland (PE co-ordinator)