Sheffield Get Moving PE Challenge

Lesson: Physical education

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi everyone,


I hope that you are all keeping safe.  I have some very exciting news to share with you.  This week the team at Move More have launched 'The Sheffield Get Moving Lockdown Challenge' to try and encourage everyone to keep active at home. 

The challenge will be running from now until half term and involves the ultimate personal challenge!  You can compete alone or alongside your parents/carers and siblings.  For the challenge you will need to make one of two pledges.


1. To cover a certain distance by either walking, running or cycling/scooting.


2. To take part in any type of physical activity for a certain amount of time


The competition is free to enter and for anyone who does complete the challenge we as a school will pay for you to recieve a medal at the end.  For more details about the event and to sign up follow the link below to the website:

If you do take part and want to share how you're getting on tag us on twitter and also use the #SheffieldGetMoving and tag @PointsLN in the post too. 

You can encourage your teacher and teaching assistants to participate as well :D 


I hope you all take part and have fun!

Keep safe

Miss Sutherland (PE co-ordinator)