Reception planning for the week beginning 22.03.2021

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021


Hi Parents and Carers,

Here is the planning for the week beginning 22.03.21


We are going to be looking at how we learn. Seeing if wwe can think about what helps us to remember and how we learn new things. 


We will be reading the story The Runaway Chapatti' and drawing a story map of the main events in the story. The story is here:

The Runaway Chapatti

We wwill also be writing a report about our favourite character in the story. What are they like? WHat did they do? Why do you like this chaqracter?


We will be learning to half a quantity by sharing. Pick a number card. coulnt that number of buttons or beads out. Can you share them between 2 people? Write your answer on the sheet.

Encourage your child by only offering even number cards to start with. Take it further by introducing odd numbers when they are secure with even. What happens whan you try to share an odd number?

Can they sort the number cards into numbers you can share and numbers that you can't share?

Expressive arts

Make and easter basket for some easter eggs. Here is an idea: Bunny basket

Can you make a simple easter card and draw a border? Maybe you could print one of your spring photos out and stick it on?

UTW Take a camera outside and see if you can photograph some signs of spring. 


All resources are below. 

We will also be listening to children read daily, and practising sounds daily in a phonics session. Don't forget your red words too!

If you need any advice concerning online learning, then please contact your child's teacher. 

Have a great week!

The Foundation Stage Team

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