Reception planning for the week beginning 01.02.2021

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021








Use links to website

Monday to Thursday  - daily speed sounds during live register.

You can suplement this be using the Daily Ruth Miskin phonics sessions



See videos

Adding two sets of objects together. This is a practical activity. You could use any objects from home.

Once you have done this, you can record your number sentence on a whiteboard or a piece of paper.


Adding two numbers using dice. Roll two dice. Draw the dots in the squares on the sheet. Can you write thee number sentence (calculation) to go with your picture? How many dots all together?


Counting on from a given number. Consolidating last week's activity. Can you count on from a given number to find a total?


We recommend using a numberline to work out your totals. You don't need to record this.


see video flipchart

Writng frame


Tell your grown up a story featuring your new sock puppet friend. 

Where is it set? What happens? How do they help someone?
Think of what someone might be saying to your sock puppet friend in the story. Write a speech bubble for the character who needs help.

What does your sock puppet say in response? Can you write a speech bubble for your sock puppet friend? 

Take a photo of your sock puppet. Print and cut it out. Stick it onto your writing sheet. (or you could draw it)

When you have made your sock puppet and the scenery, see if you can tell a different story? What other characters are in the story? Can you draw and label any other characters? Can you check your work's accuracy. When you have finished and checked it, see if you can read it to someone. Can they read it without your help?



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes or read them a story.

Use Bug club online (your child’s log in details are in their reading record)

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes

Use Bug club online

Listen to your child read for 5 minutes


Use your design sheet from last week to start making your sock puppet. There is a video for you to watch to show you have. Can you evaulate your finshed work using the sheet attached.

Once you have made your sock puppet  you could make a background scene for him. Where will he live.. the jungle, the moon?

Watch the powerpoint on smarter internet day or look at this web page for some ideas for discussing the internet with your children

can you make a safer internet day poster or your own Smartie the penguin?

what will your message from

Smartie be?

send these to your class teacher and we will share them during our live registers! 



Watch Mrs Blackburn and her helpers make a sequence using the five strong shapes.

Can you have a go home?

Joe Wicks is doing live PE sessions on his You Tube channel every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Joe Wicks


Joe Wicks



This week  is Mental Health awareness week.

  • Watch our video from Harry our school mental health partner for some more Mindfulness activities.
  • Mrs Rowlands has also made a video for you to watch at home.




Watch Mrs Pemberton's video to learn how to introduce yourself and greet each other in French.




 Mrs Rowlands has recorded some somgs for you to sing at home.

Watch her video

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