Reading in KS1

Lesson: English

Class: Foxes Year: 2021 - 2022

Welcome back KS1!

I hope you have all had a wonderful rest. I wanted to inform you all of some changes to current practice for the upcoming year in regards to reading. You may be expecting a reading diary to arrive home in the first week of term however this will not be the case this year (unless you have a foundation-aged child)! We have decided, as an Eco school, to reduce our paper trail where possible. This will lead us to move our reading communication for Key Stage 1 online. The new system will allow both ourselves and you at home to access and log any reading your child is doing. There is no risk of diaries being lost and we can ensure all parties have access to all the same information that was covered and recorded in the paper versions. 

The new system is being rolled over with the new year groups and classes. This will take the first 2 weeks of term to sort for all. Therefore, I wanted to assure you that you child will be read with during these two weeks as they always would have been, but this will not be logged until the online system is up and running.

Usually we send home all of your child’s passwords for online access in their reading diaries, but this will obviously not be able to happen this year. To combat this we are trying to condense as many of the usernames and passwords to be the same for all platforms and these will be sent home on a document in your child’s book bag for you to keep as a reference. This will include the login information for the new online reading diary. Please look out for these in your child’s book bag in week 2 of the new term!

We can’t wait to welcome you all back.

Thank you

Mrs Machin