Reading activities w/b 18th January

Lesson: English

Class: Foxes Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 1 

This week we wanted to send a couple of reading resources home that you may find useful. Year 1 is such an important time for reading development and we really want to support you as best as we can to continue reading with your child as often as possible whilst they are at home. With that in mind, we have created a Reading Rainbow to encourage your child to keep reading aloud to you at home. Your child can colour in a star each time they read aloud to an adult and we will send them a special certificate when they have completed it.

I have also attached a reading challenge for this week, to design a new front cover for their book, and some examples of the sorts of questions you can ask your children during their reading to help with comprehension. 

Finally, there is a video of Mrs Holmes reading Where the Wild Things Are (my favourite children's book!) We will upload a video of a year 1 teacher reading a story each week. We hope your children enjoy them.

Thank you again for your support 

The year 1 team


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