What a busy day!

Lesson: Maths

Class: Otters Year: 2017 - 2018

Rabbits have been busy in the playground this morning using metres to draw dinosaurs with different sized legs, necks and tails. We had to work as a team to measure out the correct lengths out using metre sticks. We also talked about which dinosaurs were the tallest, smallest, longest and shortest.

We've made dinosaur footprints out of clay. We designed our picture first, then decided what equipment we would need, like plates, lollipop sticks and plastic knives and fingers.

We earned 20 golden moments from Mrs Godwin and Mrs Dennison for our beautiful walking through school. We were great role model for the other Y1 classes.

Our new topic is dinosaurs. Please bring in dinosaur things for show and tell.

What a busy day!