Planning week beginning 14/12/20

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Wow, we cant believe its the last week and that your children have been in our school for a whole term!

This week we have lots of special events including our class christmas party on Monday 14th.

We have attatched a summery of our week and some resouces that you can access if you are learning from home.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas break and look forward to seeing you all again in 2021!



Looking back at photos from this half term and reflecting on all the new things we hae learnt to do, Children to share their progress during circle time.

I have learnt to ....


Reading the story of the first christmas and reflecting on what we already know about Christmas and what we have learnt about the first Christmas.


Writing and making Christmas cards for our friends and family.

1:1 reading session with our class teacher.


Making paper chains to decorate our classroom for our party and writing numbers on each link. Who has made a chain with more than ten links?

Can you compare your chain to a friends?

How lomg will it be if we attatch all the chains together?

Expressive arts

Watching our Christmas performance video. What did you enjoy about our performance?

Makimg hats for our christmas party using hat template on purple mash.

To find this look in the 2 design ad make tools.

Watching a local pantomime via zoom



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