Planning wc 19.04.21

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Dear Foundation,

We hope you have had a lovely Easter break.

Please find attached our planning for this week. You might find this useful if your child is self-isolating at home.



This week we will be focusing on relationships.

Children will be asked to think about who they live with. We will talk about similarities and differences between different family structures and celebrate diversity.

Children will draw a picture of their family.


The children will be writing a recount of their holiday.

The children will listen to our new focus book: The Hungry Caterpillar.


The children will be learning about number bonds to 10.

Please see the attached sheets.

In our continuous provision the children will be practising doubling dots on ladybirds and recording their answer as a number sentence.


The children will all have a one to one reading session with their teacher. 

In phonics the children will be recapping set 2 and 3 sounds.

They will practise applying their knowledge by writing a sentence.

Expressive arts




The world 

This week we are designing our own invertebrate using the TASC sheet.



This week children will explore life cycles of a caterpillar. We will watch short documentaries and record our findings on our life cycle wheel.

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