Planning for week beginning 09.11.2020

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Red, white but rarely blue – the science of fireworks colors, explainedHello! 

Here is the planning for the week beginning 09.11.2020

Planning timetable for Reception. Week beginning 09.11.20

Choose one activity a day. Work for around an hour each day. This can be broken into chunks throughout the day to help your child to focus. Your child can do more if they want to, but only if they are happy to. An hour a day will help them to keep up with the children in school as they will have high quality 1-1 work with the person they love most in the world – you!



Firework sounds

Use the video clips and listen to the sounds the fireworks make.


Focus on simple words like:

Pop, bang, fizz, spin, wee,

Using the letter mat help your child to fill in the phoneme frames with a letter in each square (look at the teacher copy to show you)

If your child is a confident writer and wants more of a challenge, ask them to draw a picture on the firework page with lines on. Support them to write ‘it went bang.’ Or ‘it went pop.’

Remind your children about finger spaces and full stops



Use the feelings sheet to talk about emotions and how their face changes with their emotions – you can do this in a mirror and ask them to make the faces for each emotion. Once the sheet is filled in, you can ask your child to paint or draw their face, looking in a mirror to examine how their mouth looks – how their eyes look, their eyebrows, and so on. You can photograph this or scan it in and email it to your child’s teacher as we are going to put them all on a display in school!



Use the I spy phonics activity sheet and support your child in hearing the initial sounds in the words.

If they can do this easily, then you can ask them to make labels for the picture, writing the words on stickers, cards, or paper. Can they think of a sentence using the word? Can they have a go at writing the sentence?



Print out the letter formation sheets. Choose a letter to practise. Encourage your child to practise the letters you have seen them struggle with in the writing activity.



Select some items from around the house.

Encourage your child to compare how much they weigh using their hands. Encourage them to explain their thinking – eg: which do you think will be the heaviest? Why do you think that? Discuss their thinking with them and encourage them to answer in full sentences. You can tell them ‘I would like you to start your answer with ‘I think that…’ Model how to answer by telling them what you think (make sure you are wrong so that your child has the opportunity to discover something you don’t know!).

Put the items in order from heaviest to lightest.

NB: Children will tend to think that the largest thing will be the heaviest. You can put in some objects that are small but very heavy, and some that are large, but very light (an empty box, or a sponge, or something full of polystyrene balls).



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes every day. Write this in their reading diary please.


Number practice

Print off the number formation sheets and practice number formation.

Make some number cards of numbers 0 to 10 – these can be made from a cereal box, some cardboard, even paper. You can just write the number on each card. Give them to your child mixed up rather than in order. See if they can put them in order. If you do this every day, it will really boost their progress.

Once they are confident with this, you can add numbers to 15, then 20, and beyond.

Make two sets and play pairs with the numbers they find tricky to read.

Bonus art activity

We did this last week and the children loved it!

Firework pictures. Follow the link on the website and make a firework picture. You will need several toilet roll tubes, some squeezy poster paint, some plates, and some paper (black or dark blue is most effective)

Cut up the end ot the toilet tube as on the website link. Press it on the table to spread out the strips.

Squeeze paint onto a plate and dip the tube into the paint. Print onto the paper.

Repeat with different colours.

Optional: When it’s dry, dip the toilet roll tube into some PVA and then apply glitter.


You can find lots of great games to play online, and the app store has apps for handwriting, letter formation, phonics, and maths. You can also use Cbeebies and priograms such as Numberjacks, which are educationsl. Finally, YouTube has an archive of the programme Come Outside. These are lovely gentle programs that explain how things are made, or focus on animals, weather, plants and foods. It's completely brilliant and the children love it, so you can pop some of those on while you do your own work, without feeling guilty!

Have a good week, and, as always, ciontact the school or teachers if you need anything.

Stay safe!

The Foundation Stage Team

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