Planning for the Foundation Stage WC 23.11.20

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Here is the planning for the week beginning 23.11.2020. If you have any questions or queries, please email Mrs Featherstone. My address is on the rabbits class page. 

Remember to keep any work to give to your teacher when you return to school as it can go in your books.

Have a great week and if you need any further support, Mrs F is working from home and can help you!

You can find more flash cards and resources on the Parent consultations information blog

Have a great week! Remember 1 hour a day of learning is plenty - children learn a great deal through play and conversation!

The Foundation Stage Team




Use the sheet to write a statement about a woodland animal – a fox, rabbit, badger, mouse, etc. Help your child to write the sentence  It  is  a __________  using the phoneme frame.

If your child is a confident writer, then they can use the lined writing sheet and write a fact about a woodland animal.



Make a Diva lamp to celebrate Diwali



Play the game buried treasure or Picnic on Pluto on a tablet or computer. The instructions are at the beginning of the game. These games support blending words and recognising if they are real or not real words.



Print out the letter formation sheets. Choose a letter to practise. Encourage your child to practise the letters you have seen them struggle with in the writing activity.



Different ways to make 6 –


Can your child count out 6 items (marbles, buttons, glass beads etc)?

Once they have, allow them to explore how the 6 items can be divided into two –

eg 4 + 2, 3 + 3, 1 + 5  etc. How many ways can find? There is an extension sheet if you want to try a different number.

Deepening addition activity – making 9 in different ways. Use the sheet to support their understanding of the different ways to make 9.



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes every day. Write this in their reading diary please.

Read the Diwali story together


Number practice

Print off the number formation sheets and practice number formation.

Make some number cards of numbers 0 to 10 – these can be made from a cereal box, some cardboard, even paper. You can just write the number on each card. Give them to your child mixed up rather than in order. See if they can put them in order. If you do this every day, it will really boost their progress.

Once they are confident with this, you can add numbers to 15, then 20, and beyond.

Make two sets and play pairs with the numbers they find tricky to read.

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