Planning for Reception, week beginning 16.11.20

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Here is the planning for the week beginning 16.11.2020. If you have any questions or queries, please email Mrs Featherstone. My address is on the rabbits class page. 

Remember to keep any work to give to your teacher when you return to school as it can go in your books.

Have a great week and if you need any further support, Mrs F is working from home and can help you!

You can find more flash cards and resources on the Parent consultations information blog

Have a great week! Remember 1 hour a day of learning is plenty - children learn a great deal through play and conversation!

The Foundation Stage Team



Writing focus – Children in need focus – Input:  This year CIN is looking at wellbeing in children and the buzz phrase is 5 to thrive. Talk to your child – what makes them happy? Is it food? Toys? Pets? Walks? Reading a book? They can pick more than one thing. Look at the teacher version of the writing frame to see what your child should be doing. Don’t show it to the child – give them the child version and support them in writing it.

Writing activity – Write the sentence To be happy I need……. Children can choose what they want to put at the end of the sentence. Children will need support with hearing the sounds in the words using the phoneme frames. Children will need help with happy. You can use this as a teaching point about the sound that y makes when it is on the end of words.



Try this activity using household items. You can use beads or ball bearings instead of marbles, or anything that will roll – even hardboiled eggs!



Play the game buried treasure or Picnic on Pluto on a tablet or computer. The instructions are at the beginning of the game. These games support blending words and recognising if they are real or not real words.



Print out the letter formation sheets. Choose a letter to practise. Encourage your child to practise the letters you have seen them struggle with in the writing activity.



Recording maths using marks they can interpret and explain. Introducing adding.

You will need:

The maths sheet

Two different colour felt pens or bingo dabbers

A dice

Children roll a dice. They draw that number of dots in the first box on the sheet. Roll the dice and draw in the second box with the other colour pen. How many all together? Count all the dots to add and record in the last box as numbers or as dots, you can choose.


The key objective here is to teach them that they can record maths as marks and drawings, not just as numbers. This helps with subitising (knowing how many are there without counting them all), leads on to tallying and data handling and is part of maths mastery. NB: Chn who can write their numbers can write a number as the total, but can record the adding as dots to reinforce drawing maths concepts as pictures.

I have provided space for 4 – differentiate by outcome and chop off any that are not used. Some children will work more slowly than others.



Listen to your child read for 5 minutes every day. Write this in their reading diary please.


Number practice

Print off the number formation sheets and practice number formation.

Make some number cards of numbers 0 to 10 – these can be made from a cereal box, some cardboard, even paper. You can just write the number on each card. Give them to your child mixed up rather than in order. See if they can put them in order. If you do this every day, it will really boost their progress.

Once they are confident with this, you can add numbers to 15, then 20, and beyond.

Make two sets and play pairs with the numbers they find tricky to read.

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