Planning 7th June

Class: Mice Year: 2020 - 2021

PHSE Read My History
Children to think about how they have changed since they were a baby.
Start sharing baby photos. Can the children guess who is who?
Physical Sports day
Run by Rugger Eds
Children to rotate between different activities.
Literacy Daily sound of the day. One sound a day and review previous sounds. 
Individual readers – update reading diaries.
Children to write a recount of what they have done in the holidays.
Use and introduce the new writing stars.
Maths Daily Maths moments
Missing Number problems
Children to solve by jumping on a physical number line
Taking it further
Bracelet problems using addition and subtraction.
Expressive arts Children to look at themselves in the mirror
Draw a self-portrait with no teaching input.
Explain that we will be focusing on different part of our face each week and seeing if we can improve on our drawing 
Understanding of the World Children to look at a selection of objects from the past.
What were they used for? How are they different from items we use today?

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