Number Day 2019

Lesson: Maths

Number Day 2019

We have had such a busy day today celebrating Number Day. We began the day with a whole school assembly in the hall, where we showed off our costumes, found out about all of the different activities we would be doing during the day, and sang the Subitize Rock (

Each class took turns to lay the coins that they had collected around the hall. We managed to lay the coins down side by side and get all of the way around the hall twice with the donations that you collected. Thank you so much to everyone who sent in their spare change. We have managed to raised £132.00 for the NSPCC. 

In FS2 we have been creating our own 'Number Land' based on a number between 0 and 10. The children chose different objects to add to their Number Land, and gave their reason as to why they chose it. One of the Badgers chose a dragon for Number 3 Land, and said "he can go inside 3 land because he has 3 wrinkles on his nose". The children thought carefully about why certain things fitted in Number Land, and why others didn't, and listened carefully to other children to decide whether they agreed or disagreed.

In Year 1, the children have been taking part in a code breaking treasure hunt. The teachers hid clues around the classrooms based on prior learning on addition, subtraction, doubling and halving, and the children had to solve the clue and write down the number answer. Each number corresponded to a letter, which spelt out a superhero themed word.

Year 2 children were using their reasoning and problem solving skills to find the answers to word problems, to solve some tricky colour pattern problems, and to work out the measurements of our hands, feet, arm span and leg length. Some of the children played dominoes and board games where they had to solve a problem to move toward the finish. 

Well done to all who supported by dressing up, sending in spare change or helping on the day.

Mrs Cooke