Mrs Pemberton's Blog

Class: Badgers Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Badgers!

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and spending time with your families! 

I have been working in school and looking after the children whose Mummys and Daddys are working in hospitals and in shops helping everyone. 

The weather has been lovely and we have all been playing outside. We can see lots of signs of spring in the playground. The daffodils are flowering outside our classroom and the bees are waking up and visiting them!

We have been playing lots of games and spending some time in the forest school. We found some bulbs growing and some buds on some trees!


We also found this. Do you know what it is?

Take a look at this website if you can - it has lots of film about things growing and lots of activites.

Have a lovely time and stay safe!

Love from 

Mrs Pemberton