Mrs Featherstone's blog

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits!

What gorgeous sunny weather! I am really glad you are enjoying my blog! Let me know what you are up to by emailing me. Hrishi emailed me and sent a picture of his fire station he made!

Isn't it fantastic? He made the porches out of boxes and he is going to make a map on the ground using chalk and some buildings from Duplo so that his fire engines can put out the fire! Great job Hrishi!

If you would like me to share your photos, please say so when you email them to me. 

I have been outside in my garden spotting signs of spring. Would you like to see what I found?


The hyacinth bulbs I planted before Christmas are starting to come up! What colour do you think they are going to be?  I can see some grape hyacinths too - I love the colour blue - they look like Marge Simpson's hair do!


The primroses are flowering and they smell beautiful! Do you like my rabbit statue?

This is part of my back garden. There is a stream and a bridge. I have been checking the water can flow down the clough. Hundreds of birds live in these trees and they are all making nests and singing loudly!

I found this! Do you know what it is? I'll tell you in the next blog!

I have a website I want you to look at:

The email address is my one -

and the log in is Iloverabbits2020

There are lots of really great videos of plants growing and wonderful things to explore. 

Stay safe and be good for Mummy and Daddy! Don't forget to email me!

Love from 

Mrs F