Mrs Featherstone's Blog 27th May 2020

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits! 

I have had some emails from some of you so I am going to post the pictures you have sent me. Then I have some very exciting news!

William sent me some pictures of his snail that he found. He made a home for it, researched what snails eat and then wrote a diary about it.



It says 'Today I found a snail. I made a house for him. He eats cucumber. His name is Jack. 

Brilliant writing William! Jack is a great name for a snail. Are you going to look for some friends for him?

Kris wrote me another letter and sent a photo of a pen cup he has made.


That's wonderful Kris! Keep writing! You are getting so good at it!

It's just a  short blog for today because it's half term, but I did just want to tell you about something exciting. I got a trail camera for Christmas. It's a camera that you can tie to a tree and it will take videos every time an animal goes near it. It works in the night too, so I put it on a tree over the other side of the stream in our garden and it filmed a fox!!! So I have been putting food out for her and seeing what she does. I researched on the internet so that I didn't feed her the wrong thing, but they eat chicken bones, so I put those out, and an egg! I didn't crack the egg - I wanted to see what she would do. She is a young fox and just learning about the world. I'm hoping if I feed them a little every now and again, she might bring her family, and later, she might have babies. Here are some pictures, but I'll try to attach the video. 


I'm so excited! There are badgers in the field next to us so I'm hoping I might get some film of them. 

I had a sad thing happen - one of my fish died, but he was very old and I think he just ran out of go. We had a fish funeral for him but I took some pictures of his skin because he was beautiful. 

Isn't he amazing? We took him down to the stream and sang a song and let him go into the water. We weren't sad because he had a lovely life.

Here are some other photos I have taken this week and some videoes of things I thought you would be interested in.


Dart trying to relax again.....


This was the sun going down one evening. Look at those colours!

This is a sped up film of the clouds

This is a caterpillar I found!

That's it for this week!

Keep hopping Rabbits - I miss you lots and I hope I'll see you soon.

Love from Mrs F