Mrs Featherstone's Blog 1st June 2020

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hey Rabbits!

I hope you had a good week last week. Some of you will be going back to school this week. Some of you might have been looking forward to going back to school next week, but can't. Try not to be too disappointed. The grown-ups just want to make sure everything is ready for you. 

Here are some photos I have been sent by some of you...:

Robin has some tadpoles and he has written you a letter! Can you see that he has drawn the life cycle of a frog too? Well done  Robin. I love tadpoles and frogs. 


Neve sent me these pictures of her learning to play the guitar, playing a spelling game, practising writing, and the icing she did on her Daddy's birthday cake! Well done Neve! I love your cake drawing. I expect your Daddy loved it.


I went for a walk this week and I met some horses. One was very friendly and came to say hello while we were resting. He nibbled the end of my shoe! It didn't hurt, but I think he thought I was a snack!


He had a very soft nose, and lips, and his feet were all furry! Can you see in his armpit - there are wrinkles? They were really warm and soft! He let us stroke and pat him. When I patted his back a great cloud of dust came off him, so I think he had been rolling in the dirt. He was very gentle and I felt very privileged to be able to touch him, but I was very careful not to get my feet in the way, or move suddenly, and I didn't stand near his back legs as horses can kick if they get spooked. 


In my garden yesterday we found a bee that was looking a bit tired. I moved her to a safe place where she wouldn't get walked on and where she would be near some flowers. Then I got some honey on a plastic spoon and mixed it with a bit of water. She stuck her tongue out and drank it, and after a rest, off she flew! Can you see the pollen sacks on her legs? They are full of yellow pollen from the flowers. She will take it back t the hive, and chew it up and spit it into one of the cells, and then after a while, it turns into honey. It's like magic!


Here is a picture of my silly cat Dart sleeping in a plant. The plant is called Cat Mint, and it smells lovely. Cats like the smell of it but Dart seems to think he can sleep on the plant! Silly Dart!


This week I am setting you a challenge. Draw a picture of your garden or your house and write a sentence about the favourite thing you have been doing this week. Get your grown-up to take a photo of your writing, and email it to me at:

Next week I will post all of your work on here so you can see each other's, and I might award a prize!

Have a great week Rabbits. Keep those noses twitching!

Lots of love from Mrs F xx