Mrs Featherstone's Blog 18th May 2020

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hi Rabbits!

You have been so busy this week! Here are the photos you have sent to me. They are all wonderful and made me smile so much!

Robin has been writing a story and he has made it into a book!

I expect you can read it because Robin has written all the sounds neatly and in the right order! It's a great story! 


Kris wrote me this letter! So I wrote him a letter back.



Hrishi drew a story map of The Runaway Pancake and did a play over the internet for his cousins. He used his props and story map to tell them his story. What a fabulous idea!


Arman has been measuring things using a ruler. He measured his toys and books and has put them in order from the biggest to the smallest. This is a great skill to learn and will help you to get ready for Year 1. Can you measure something in your house? If you don't have a ruler, you could use lego bricks or buttons or string?


Claudia and Sylvie have been drawing shrimp art! Arent their drawings fabulous? I love the way they've drawn the sections of the prawn. They watched a video on youtube! They also have been doing Cosmic Yoga.


This week I have been planting these plants in my garden. I am wanting bees to come and visit my garden!

Here is a film of me planting them all - very fast! Can you spot my cat Dart?

These are some of the flowers in my garden and a spider web with some water on...


Look at the fantastic pattern on the middle of that daisy!

The pink flowers are as small as your fingernail!

Here are some pictures of Dart trying to relax!


 He does struggle to get comfy...!!

Have a great week and I'll post you a story on Friday again.

I miss you Rabbits! Keep jumping!

Love from Mrs F xx