Foundation Stage Blog 18th May 2020
Class: Mice Year: 2019 - 2020
Hello All!
I hope you have had a good week and have enjoyed the bedtime story I posted on Friday?
This weekend I have been working in my garden because it was nice and sunny. I am growing flowers that bees like! This is because I am going to get a beehive next year, but I have to grow the flowers first so they have something to eat.
I have planted Borage (which is a lovely word!) and Knapweed
Vetch and Yellow rattle
Meadow vetchling and red clover
poppies and daisies
So, when they grow, hopefully it will look like this....
And the bees and butterflies will love it! Have you got any flowers in your garden that the bees love? Can you hear their wings buzzing? What colour flowers do you think they like best?
This week, to celebrate, I have made butterfly buns!
Here is the recipe:
And here is Mrs Taylor's challenge sheet:
Have a great week and send me any emails or pictures you like!
The Foundation Stage Team