Mrs Featherstone's Blog 15th June 2020

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits!

I hope that you are all ok and have had a good week?


In my blog last week I showed you some faces I had found in my house. Did you read it? If not, pop and have a look.

Did you look around your house for some faces? Frances and Kris did!


He has found lots of faces and he has written about them too! He has written some beautiful writing to go with the pictures too. Have a look and see if you can see the faces he spotted and read his messages. 

Well done Kris! Here is your sticker

Frances saw a face in her house too


Frances wrote about the face - can you read her beautiful writing? She also found out for me what a baby swan is called - a cygnet! Well done Frances and thank you for helping me!

Have a sticker for your writing and another sticker for your finding out skills!!



Frances wrote me (and you rabbits) a letter as well. 

What amazing writing Frances. I am really looking forward to seeing you and the other rabbits soon. I miss you very much.


Arman drew a story map and he wanted to show everyone:

Can you see all the animals from the Brown Bear, Brown Bear story?

This week I found this stick with lichen on. It was only about the size of my little finger, but the lichen is amazing. Like little green cups!

I also saw a ladybird on my raspberry leaves. For some reason, I can't get my phone to send the pictures, so I will pop them on later!

Now that school is open to more children Mrs Rowland and Mrs Harrison need lots of help, because there are lots and lots of jobs to do for the classes. This is keeping me very busy, and in the next weeks, I may not be able to write a regular Monday blog. I will write whenever I can especially if I have found something special or I need to tell you something, and you can email me whenever you want to. Keep checking to see!

Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine!

Lots of love from Mrs F xx