Mrs Featherstone's Blog 11th May 2020

Class: Otters Year: 2019 - 2020

Hello Rabbits!

I hope you are alright. I am feeling very excited to be able to blog to you about all the things I've looked at this week. I have decided to look really closely at things so that I can notice all the detail. This takes a lot of time, but this is ok because I have a lot of time! I will show you what I have seen, but first, here are some pictures you sent to me. 

 This is Frances with her pet snails. She hasn't told me their names yet - if you have any suggestions, email them to me and I'll send them on to Frances! She has also made a book to stick all her home learning in so that she can keep it forever! What a lovely idea, and a great drawing on the cover. I can tell it's you, Frances - you have used the right colour for your hair and your eyes. That is very important.



Georgina made some bird boxes with her Dad. Aren't they great! Why do you think the holes at the front are different shapes? Can you find out? Which one would you like to live in? Georgina and her Mummy also made this chair from sticks and twine. It is fantastic and must have taken a long time to make. Georgina says it's not strong enough to sit on yet, but it will be soon!


We went for a walk yesterday and saw some deer, some beautiful flowers, and Lenny found this bird's egg shell under a tree. We think the baby might have hatched out yesterday! Can you find out what type of bird lays blue eggs?


We saw some deer in the sunshine...


Some bluebells and stitchwort...


The leaves on the trees are nearly all out, but can you see the gaps between the trees? Trees are very polite and they don't like to touch each other or get in each other's space.  This is called 'crown shyness'. When you are out, try looking up and see if you can see it. The colour of the green leaves against the blue sky is glorious.


We saw a field full of buttercups. Did you know that buttercups taste so horrible that animals don't like them. Not even cows will eat them!


The view was amazing when the sun had come out.


We saw some beautiful flowers in the woods. Do you know what they are called? Can you find out for me? Can you see the tiny spots inside the flower? This shows the bees where to go.


I lay on my tummy and looked at the flowers really closely. Can you see the pollen on the daisies? And the underneath of the daisies? The stalks look silvery. And can you see that the petals near the middle of the yellow dandelion are different from the ones at the edge?

When we got home there were some amazing clouds and a stunning sunset.



And this was the sky just before I went to bed.....


Can you see Venus?

Do you remember that I said I had a coal tit family nesting in our wall? Well I managed to film it and here is the video of the mummy bird coming to feed the babies. Ignore the sound - it's my washing machine and I don't know why it sounds so loud - it's not like that in real life!


Have a wonderful week - keep your pictures coming and don't forget to check back on Friday for the bedtime story!

Keep hopping Rabbits!

Love from Mrs F xx