Lockdown week 4 (25.1.21) - English

Lesson: English

Class: Eagles Year: 2020 - 2021

Good morning Year 2, welcome to a new week!

For English this week, we are now looking at a new story based on Finding Nemo called "Finding Flipper". At the end of the half-term, you will be writing your own adventure story based on an underwater character going missing and another underwater character trying to find them.

Monday 25.1.21 - Feature find of the new story WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like)

Wednesday 27.1.21 - word classes about "Finding Flipper"

Thursday 28.1.21 - handwriting

Friday 29.1.21 - using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions


I hope you enjoy reading our new story!

The Year 2 Team

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