Lockdown mindfulness

Class: Eagles Year: 2020 - 2021

Hi Year 2,

We know that at the moment there are lots of people who are feeling lots of different emotions.  Someone of might be feeling happy and excitied however sometimes we can feel upset, sad or worried about this.  However, we feel is ok and normal, we don't want to stay in these low or big emotions for too long.

In school you will all be use to completing mindfulness activities and sessions together where we think about getting ourselves back into our 'thinking brains' and feeling just right.  At Dobcroft Infant School we are ]incredibly lucky because we have the wonderful Mr Jenkinson who comes in.  He is a mental health practioner and works with children and the staff in school to make sure that we are doing everything that we can to look after our mental health.

We have a video linked below featuring Mr Jenkinson taking you through some mindfulness exercises that you can do if you ever finding yourself in your 'downstairs brain'.


We hope you enjoy it.

Year 2 team